Youth Mass

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

There will be a special Youth Mass during the normal 7:30 pm Vigil Mass on the 19th March, 3rd April and 7th May (tbc). The NET Ministries team here in the diocese will join to provide the music and host a social with Pizza for those under the age of 30 yrs old.

Called to be Fishers of Men

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

A Biblical Journey Reflecting on Discipleship. Join us this Lent to deepen your relationship with the Lord and follow the example of the apostles in bringing others to know Him too. BEGINNING 7 MARCH, EVERY MONDAYS IN LENT @ 7:30PM FRIARY HALL

Called to be Fishers of Men

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

A Biblical Journey Reflecting on Discipleship. Join us this Lent to deepen your relationship with the Lord and follow the example of the apostles in bringing others to know Him too. BEGINNING 7 MARCH, EVERY MONDAYS IN LENT @ 7:30PM FRIARY HALL

Called to be Fishers of Men

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

A Biblical Journey Reflecting on Discipleship. Join us this Lent to deepen your relationship with the Lord and follow the example of the apostles in bringing others to know Him too. BEGINNING 7 MARCH, EVERY MONDAYS IN LENT @ 7:30PM FRIARY HALL

Called to be Fishers of Men

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

A Biblical Journey Reflecting on Discipleship. Join us this Lent to deepen your relationship with the Lord and follow the example of the apostles in bringing others to know Him too. BEGINNING 7 MARCH, EVERY MONDAYS IN LENT @ 7:30PM FRIARY HALL

Youth Mass

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

There will be a special Youth Mass during the normal 7:30 pm Vigil Mass on the 19th March, 3rd April and 7th May (tbc). The NET Ministries team here in the diocese will join to provide the music and host a social with Pizza for those under the age of 30 yrs old.

Divine Mercy Sunday

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

Divine Mercy Sunday Start at 3pm with confessions being available from 2:30 pm

Youth Mass

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

There will be a special Youth Mass during the normal 7:30 pm Vigil Mass on the 19th March, 3rd April and 7th May (tbc). The NET Ministries team here in the diocese will join to provide the music and host a social with Pizza for those under the age of 30 yrs old.

Novena in Honour of St Martin the Porres

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

Our annual Novena to St Martin the Porres takes place from the 26th October - 3rd November. Each day 7:30pm except Sunday the 30th at 12.15pm. The Anointing of the Sick is on the 3rd November. The preacher this year is Fr. Colm Mannion OP.  

Novena in Honour of St. Martin de Porres

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

The Novena in Honour of St Martin’s Novena is from the 26th of October till the 3rd of November. The Preacher this year is Fr. John Harris OP, Prior Provincial of the Irish Province. Daily at 7.30 pm and Sunday, 29 October Mass with Anointing of the Sick: 3.00 pm.

Advent Lectures 2023

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

Advent Lectures 2023 Every Tuesday and Thursday of Advent at 7:30pm in the Friary Hall, entrance on Dominick Street.

Healing Night

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

Healing Night at Holy Cross Friary Friday the 19th, 26th of January and 2nd of February. Time: 6pm - 7:30pm