Novena in Honour of Our Lady of Lourdes

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

The annual Novena in Honour of Our Lady of Lourdes takes place from the 3rd of February till the 11th of February. For more information of to

Called to be Fishers of Men

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

A Biblical Journey Reflecting on Discipleship. Join us this Lent to deepen your relationship with the Lord and follow the example of the apostles in bringing others to know Him too. BEGINNING 7 MARCH, EVERY MONDAYS IN LENT @ 7:30PM FRIARY HALL

Called to be Fishers of Men

Holy Cross Friary High Street, Sligo

A Biblical Journey Reflecting on Discipleship. Join us this Lent to deepen your relationship with the Lord and follow the example of the apostles in bringing others to know Him too. BEGINNING 7 MARCH, EVERY MONDAYS IN LENT @ 7:30PM FRIARY HALL